Last week I paid a visit to Guido Taroni's home where he had a chance to share his memories with me. However, you don't need to go too deep to feel the nostalgia because he likes to display them instead of keeping them hidden. His family had quite a rich history spearheaded by his great uncle Luchino Visconti, one of the leading figures of the Italian cinema, but many others who had been interested in art, photography, music, cinema and theather. He himself chooses to be a photographer.

One of the photos he took for Vogue Gioella Italia, framed and with a
special thank you note from Franca Sozzani, editor-in-chief of Vogue

The butterflies are all installed by him. He likes butterflies mostly because of their colors.

At the age of 22, in his second exhibition, he exhibited photos that he
took of the dresses that belonged to his great-grandmother, Carla Erba
Visconti di Madrone. After discovering these dresses, which were created by the
most prestigious fashion houses of the period, he decided to photograph
each of them individually with various backgrounds.

He likes scraves and hats.