Some women are like no other. They emanate a natural charisma, charm and power. Furthermore, Samra is the closest thing that I have seen to an amateur artistic polymath, evidenced by her creative fingerprints throughout her house and her extensive curriculum vitae.

Hello Louboutins! Named after one of his favorite neighborhoods in Paris, the "Pigalle" was one of Christian's first beloved styles; and so was hers! Samra has a big love affair with this iconic sky-high sexy pumps.

She puts her books with the spines facing inwards after reading.

She has a wide collection of gloves and these are from Guy Laroche.

Her accessories are responsible for adding a twist to the whole ensemble. These outstanding pieces deserve being called art rather then accessories.
Silver Jean Paul Gautier cross& Veronique Leroy bulb bracelet

Junya Watanabe zip necklace and 20's art deco candle holders from Denmark
Vase is a gift to his father from Jale Yilmabasar.

Chair Edra the Anemone by Campana Brothers
1 cool, maybe too cool room to live in
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